About Me
Throughout my life I have lived in a variety of places, all of which allowed me to gain a bit more insight into myself and the career path I wanted to pursue. Born in Kamloops I quickly grew to love the mountains and as an avid ski racer through my early years my passion for ski resorts grew. Since Kamloops, I have lived in the middle of the woods near 100 Mile House, the stunning valley of Vernon, the great plains of Saskatoon, the capital city of Ottawa, and the bustling metropolis of Vancouver. From each of these destinations my passion for the tourism industry grew and I knew that in order to start building my dreams I had to gain a deeper knowledge into the world I wanted to be apart of. TRU acted as a gateway to this world for me. It has allowed me to further appreciate the finer details as well as provided me with a more focused path towards my owning and running my own resort style experience. What I love about the tourism industry is that it allows people to create experiences and memories that they can not only learn and grow from but also acts as a way to escape from the daily routine and explore something new.
My portfolio will showcase different assignments from a tourism class with the main idea that I can showcase my work with the purpose of using the portfolio to present to potential job opportunities. While I am not sure where my path will take me with regards to future jobs (especially mid-pandemic), I have found this portfolio helpful in being able to better understand the planning it takes to strategically and effectively implement tourism practices. This portfolio will also present a proposed mapping tour created by myself and a team, a Vernon case study that focuses on positive and negative impacts of tourism, best sustainability practices, the tourism plan including a COVID recovery plan. I will also provide a three reflection pieces based on content from my tourism policy and planning class, and an overview of they type of EQ traveler I am and what that means to me.
All Photos provided in this portfolio (not including specific assignment pictures) are photos that I have taken myself on my travels. All of the photos that are mine will be provided in the picture gallery to the right.